Mental Health Review (Final) Mental Health Review (Final) Step 1 of 10 – Introduction 0% Learning outcomes for senior mental health leads in schools and colleges (DfE) June 2021 Questions in this Mental Health Review relate to the DfE document ‘Learning outcomes for senior mental health leads in schools and colleges’ published in June 2021. Thinking about the answers will help you build your own learning experience and a whole-school action plan. You can download the document here: Learning outcomes for senior mental health leads in schools and colleges (DfE 2021)Name of person completing review(Required) First Last Email Address of person completing the review(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Name of school or organisationDate(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY 1. Leadership and ManagementThat champions efforts to promote and support mental health and wellbeing, and that brings about strategic change to deliver an effective whole school or college approach in settings.Do you think there is a whole school view on what is meant by mental health ?Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeWhat evidence do you have for your answer?What actions do you think that you will need to make to ensure there is a whole school understanding of mental health?What learning gaps do you think you have in terms of the role of Senior Mental Health Lead?Data is available in the school to accurately understand the impact of mental health on pupilsStrongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeHow will you obtain data/further data to understand improvements in the mental health of pupils?What activities will you implement to monitor the impact of mental health on pupil well-being and readiness to learn? 2. Identifying need and monitoring the impact of interventionsTo understand and plan appropriate responses to pupils’ and students’ mental health and wellbeing needs.The school has relevant tools and assessments in place to to assess need, and monitor interventions to support pupil and student progress.Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeThere is a clearly understood process in place for the identification of concerns and intervention when a young person's mental health is declining or of concern.Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeWhat is the evidence that the school is able to measure need across the whole school and monitor the impact of interventions to measure progress and adapt approaches.All school staff understand the following mental health issues likely to be encountered in the schoolStrongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeAdverse Childhood ExperiencesTraumaChildren who have a social workerChildren Looked After or Previously Looked AfterYoung CarersChildren with SENDChildren from ethnic minority backgroundsPupils in this school feel that their mental health needs are metStrongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeWhat is the evidence that you have used to give the rating above 3. Targeted support and appropriate referralsTo ensure children and young people can get timely and appropriate support.Pupils are referred in a timely and appropriate way to external agencies, for example, Children and Young People's Mental Health Services (previously CAMHS)Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeList the internal and external resources and statutory/non-statutory services that are available to pupils and/or the school to support their mental healthIn school, what gaps are there in provision for pupils?Outside the school, what gaps are there in provision for pupils? 4. Staff DevelopmentTo support their own mental wellbeing, and that of pupils and students.Individual staff in this school understand the importance of looking after their own mental healthStrongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeThe school's leadership and management understands the importance of looking after the mental health of its staffStrongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeInformation and signposting to well-being and mental health services is easily available to school staffStrongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeWhat is the evidence you have used to give the ratings above?What steps need to be taken to facilitate the development of school staff, identify critical training and ensure that all staff can recognise and understand the process to respond to mental health concerns. 5. Creating an ethos and environmentThat promotes respect and values diversity.The school has a positive, values-based approach which is clearly understood by everyone in the school community.Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeThe school promotes a positive understanding of mental health and its fluctuations throughout life.Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeStaff develop relationships with children and young people that promote well-being and a sense of belongingStrongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeSchool policies and processes (eg. equality & diversity, bullying & harassment, behaviour and safeguarding) work together to support wellbeing and mental healthStrongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeWhat evidence do you have to corroborate the ratings you have given in your answers above? 6. Enabling the Student VoiceSo that the voice of every learner is heard and valued, and influences decisions.There is a clear process in place to collect and collate pupil voice to develop an inclusive whole school or college approachStrongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeThe pupil voice process ensures that a range of voices are heard, including pupils who may have additional needs and/or communication difficultiesStrongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeThere is a process in place to feedback to pupils about the impact that their participation or consultation has hadStrongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeDescribe the process involved in empowering and involving pupils in the development of the school's approach to well-being and mental health 7. Working with parents, families and carersSo that everyone works as a genuine team around pupils and students, with a consistency of approach and shared aims and strategies.Strategies are in place to engage parents, families and carers in promoting a culture of wellbeing within and outside school hours.Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeStrategies are in place to engage the local community in promoting a culture of wellbeing within and outside school hours.Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeThe school is able to support or signpost relevant evidence-based resources for parents, families and carers so they can develop skills and strategies to support both their child and themselves.Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeThe school has identified and overcome barriers that many prevent some parents, families and carers from engaging with themStrongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeStaff in the school are able to use a range of strategies for successfully engaging parents, families and carers in mental health, including when relationships are difficult or a parent, carer or child is distressed.Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agree 8. Curriculum, teaching and learningTo promote resilience and support social and emotional learning.Mental Health and wellbeing is integrated into the wider curriculum to support outcomes for pupils and studentsStrongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeThere is a clear, consistent approach to developing cross-curricular themes to promote mental health and wellbeing.Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeThere is a close and consistent collaboration between leads for child protection/pastoral/safeguarding and SENCOs to ensure that teaching from the PSHE and RSHE programmes is age and developmentally appropriate and sensitive to the needs of all pupils.Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agreeWhat is the evidence that demonstrates your answers above? Further actions neededTo promote resilience and support social and emotional learning.Next Steps Look over your answers to each question and note below the most important action you need to take for each aspect.1. Leadership and management2. Identifying need and monitoring impact of interventions3. Targeted support and appropriate referrals4. Staff development5. Creating an ethos and environment6. Enabling the Student Voice7. Working with parents, families and carers8. Curriculum, teaching and learning Δ