Action Plan: Whole School Approach – Strategic Change (ADKAR) Action Plan: Whole School Approach – Strategic Change (ADKAR) Step 1 of 6 16% Name of person completing the action plan(Required)Email Address of person completing the action plan(Required) Name of school or organisationDate DD slash MM slash YYYY Section 1: AwarenessThis section aims to support creating actions needed to develop an awareness for the need to change.Outline the setting's Mental Health ProcessConsider the following components: Prevention, Identification, Intervention, Escalation and ReferralAre the relevant groups fully aware of the mental health concern process (Prevention, Identification, Intervention, Escalation and Referral)? SLT Staff Specialist roles (eg. DSL, SENDCo) Form Tutors Pupils Parents Governors Other stakeholders Where you have identified gaps, what actions will be taken to improve the awareness of those groups?How will you prioritise the actions that are required to be most effective within your role?Outline the setting's positive, values-based ethos.Consider the following components: values, principles and mottos Are the relevant groups fully aware of the settings positive, values-based environment. SLT Staff Specialist roles (eg. DSL, SENDCo) Form Tutors Pupils Parents Governors Other stakeholders Where you have identified gaps, what actions will be taken to improve the awareness of those groups?How will you prioritise the actions that are required to be most effective within your role? Outline how the mental health concern process impacts: SLTOutline how the mental health concern process impacts: StaffOutline how the mental health concern process impacts: Specialist roles (eg. DSL, SENDCo)Outline how the mental health concern process impacts: PupilsOutline how the mental health concern process impacts: GovernorsOutline how the mental health concern process impacts: ParentsOutline how the mental health concern process impacts: Other stakeholders Awareness: Priority Action 1Person(s) ResponsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Awareness: Priority Action 2Person(s) ResponsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Awareness: Priority Action 3Person(s) ResponsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Section 2: DesireThis section aims to support creating actions needed to develop the motivation for the need to change in relevant roles within the setting’s structure. When the awareness is communicated effectively others will be motivated to provide and consistent and coherent mental health process.Outline how the whole school approach (mental health concern process and positive values-based ethos and environment) will support relevant groups in relation to: StructureOutline steps you will take to inform relevant groups, of motivating factors in relation to: StructureOutline how the whole school approach (mental health concern process and positive values-based ethos and environment) will support relevant groups in relation to: Time-managementOutline steps you will take to inform relevant groups, of motivating factors in relation to: Time-ManagementOutline how the whole school approach (mental health concern process and positive values-based ethos and environment) will support relevant groups in relation to: WorkloadOutline steps you will take to inform relevant groups, of motivating factors in relation to: WorkloadOutline how the whole school approach (mental health concern process and positive values-based ethos and environment) will support relevant groups in relation to: Working EnvironmentOutline steps you will take to inform relevant groups, of motivating factors in relation to: Working environmentOutline how the whole school approach (mental health concern process and positive values-based ethos and environment) will support relevant groups in relation to: Teaching and LearningOutline steps you will take to inform relevant groups, of motivating factors in relation to: Teaching & LearningDesire: Priority Action 1Person(s) ResponsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Desire: Priority Action 2Person(s) ResponsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Desire: Priority Action 3Person(s) ResponsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Section 3: KnowledgeThis section aims to support creating actions needed to develop knowledge for the implementation of change in the setting. When there is effective motivation for change knowledge can be shared efficiently with stakeholders (eg., SLT, Form Tutors)Outline what the relevant groups needs to know in order to complete there part in the whole school approach (mental health concern process and positive values-based ethos and environment): SLT, Staff, Specialist roles (eg. DSL, SENDCo), Form tutors, Pupils, Governors, Parents, Other stakeholdersOutline steps you will take to inform relevant groups, of knowledge required to complete there part in the whole school approach (mental health concern process and positive values-based ethos and environment): SLT, Staff, Specialist roles (eg. DSL, SENDCo), Form tutors, Pupils, Governors, Parents, Other stakeholdersKnowledge: Priority Action 1Person(s) ResponsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Knowledge: Priority Action 2Person(s) ResponsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Knowledge: Priority Action 3Person(s) ResponsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Section 4: AbilityThis section aims to support creating actions needed to develop the ability to implement required actions and skills necessary for strategic change. When there is effective understanding of knowledge, the ability to use necessary skills and behaviours is developed. Outline what the relevant groups need to be able to complete order to complete there part in the whole school approach (mental health concern process and positive values-based ethos and environment): SLT, Staff, Specialist roles (eg. DSL, SENDCo), Form tutors, Pupils, Governors, Parents, Other stakeholdersOutline steps you will take to develop relevant groups, ability of skills and behaviours required to complete there part in the whole school approach (mental health concern process and positive values-based ethos and environment): SLT, Staff, Specialist roles (eg. DSL, SENDCo), Form tutors, Pupils, Governors, Parents, Other stakeholdersAbility: Priority Action 1Person(s) responsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Ability: Priority Action 2Person(s) responsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Ability: Priority Action 3Person(s) responsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Section 5: ReinforcementThis section aims to support creating actions to reinforce and sustain the strategic changes that have been implemented. When there is an effective understanding of knowledge and ability to use skills and behaviours, strategic change requires reinforcement to support suitability and embedment.Outline the settings process for identification of gaps within the whole school approach (mental health concern process and positive values-based ethos and environment). Consideration towards ADKAR: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, ReinforcementOutline steps you will take to ensure all relevant groups are continuing to practice the settings whole school approach (mental health concern process and positive values-based ethos and environment)Outline how identification of which staff require CPD to ensure streamlined practice throughout all levels within the setting, regarding whole school approach (mental health concern process and positive values-based ethos and environment).Reinforcement: Priority Action 1Person(s) ResponsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Reinforcement: Priority Action 2Person(s) ResponsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Reinforcement: Priority Action 3Person(s) ResponsibleDate for completion DD slash MM slash YYYY Δ